National Violent Offenders Registry is an organization that hosts and sponsors campaigns for organizations. It serves to facilitate petitions by the general public that empower people to create the change they want to see.

MOVE Inc. seeks to create a National Violent Offender Registry through the organization that would serve as a national database network where public information on violent and repeat offenders can be accessed.  We believe in the importance of having specific access to pertinent information on people who have committed the most serious and violent crimes is paramount in the fight to end intimate partner violence. 

The goal of the registry would be to obtain information on violent offenders who have been convicted of violent offenses as a part of the state, local and national judicial databases. This information would provide public information on the arrest and disposition of the violent offender’s violent history within the judicial system. This would allow for anyone who is looking to get involved in a relationship with another person, the ability  to access a database that would include offense information and disposition and receive any past history that the individual may have that would indicate violent tendencies and or a violent past.

MOVE Inc believes that this is the only way to address the issues of violent offenders who involve themselves in dating relationships that often result in death or severe violence toward the victim. This registry would serve as a deterrent for those who take advantage of individuals who do not know the past violent criminal histories of an individual that they choose to date or begin a casual relationship with. 

When you support the MOVE Inc petition to begin the work of having a National Violent Offender Registry you are agreeing to support:

  1.   The rights of individuals to know the past violent arrest and conviction histories of those deemed violent. 

  2.  The rights of individuals to receive public information regarding the arrest and disposition of violent offenders within the state and local community.

  3.  The rights of individuals to obtain information from local, state and national reporting judicial databases of the history of violent offenders.

  4. Victims of inmate partner violence and their families as they seek to cope with the devastating consequences of intimate partner and domestic violence at the hands of known violent offenders.