Artifex Custom Gallery, LLC is a Connecticut based online art gallery created by owner and artist, Marlon Blackwood. Along with custom artwork, Artifex Custom Gallery designed the LoveBlack t-shirt line. In 2019, LoveBlack was created in order to bring awareness, to issues that also affect the communities of color.

“As LoveBlack has gotten more popular, I wanted to find ways to give back to the community. While watching a recent story on the nightly news, I learned more about the a local organization, Mothers Of Victims Equality (M.O.V.E. inc) and thought that my LoveBlack line could somehow help this organization. After reaching out to Corrinna Martin and learning that their signature color is purple, a partnership formed with Artifex Custom Gallery offering a portion of every purple LoveBlack shirt to M.O.V.E. in hopes to bring awareness and education to Domestic Violence. I feel that it is important to give back to the communities in which we live and work. I have used my art and creativity to help raise money for a number of Connecticut organizations such as Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut, Special Olympics, The Jordan Porco Foundation, and AIDS CT.”

Artifex Custom Gallery owner Marlon Blackwood has generously agreed to donate $5 of every $20 Black Love T-shirt sold. Purchase them below;

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